Thursday, 30 August 2007

Advice please...

Even a language school Principal needs a holiday... yes, it's true. Greta, Benjamin and I have decided to have a week's break in September. The question is: where?
We want a bit sunshine, beach, good food and a shortish flight from London.

What do you suggest?



Jon said...

I've been to North Africa a couple of times, once to Morocco and once to Egypt, which aren't really that far away (about 3 hours) and they certainly have the beach, the food and the sunshine....

Anonymous said...

teacher! don't leave us kids alone!

Musa Ambulante said...

Of course, Spain. But that's because of sentimental reasons, you know :)

Send "hellos" to everyone, please, especially to Dragan, Ashleigh and Alejandra ;)

And have fun in your holidays.

Gloria & Ricard said...

Hello Stuart,

We would suggest Menorca in the Mediterranean coast of Spain. It is the less developed Island of the Mallorca. It is perfect for family holiday's. If you want further information, my cousin Marta (the one you meet in London two years ago) is just there working for the Local Authority in an Environmental Project. So, she knows a lot of beatufil places e-mail me and we will give you further advice.

Ricard and Gloria,

Anonymous said...

I think you'll find those three ingredients in the north-west of Spain. Unless you wait for a long time and let the autumn mist arrive before you...