Friday, 7 September 2007

What a week!

Sorry I haven't managed to post this week but it's been a very busy time. Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday were spent locked in a hotel in London... without seeing daylight.

The reason for this?

Every year there is a fair, Studyworld, where agents from around the world meet representatives from schools and educational institutions. The system is that the schools sit at tables and we have a schedule of 20-minute appointments with the agents from 0800 in the morning until 1800.

I met agents from Brazil, Hong Kong, Japan, Italy, Spain, Latvia, Brazil, Oman, Russia, France, Georgia, Portugal, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Mexico, Thailand, Ukraine, Sweden, Switzerland, Poland and even one from London!

Approximately 50% of our students are sent by agents and the other 50% come through an independent internet research or by word-of-mouth recommendation. Here are some of the people I met:
Jime and Christine from Hong Kong Study Tours Centre, Hong Kong.

Olga from Persona Grata in Russia.

Maria from High Connections in Brazil.

Audrey from Indirizzo Inghilterra in Italy.

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