Thursday, 1 May 2008

Proud to be Blue!

In a previous post I talked about 2008 being the 20th anniversary of my becoming an English teacher. Anyone who's been in one of my classes or remembers me through Language in London / Camden College of English knows that my lifelong obsession is Chelsea Football Club. And this love of Chelsea has dominated my life since I was 5!!

Last night, at Stamford Bridge, we watched the mighty Blues beat Liverpool to get to the Champions League final. Getting into work this morning, I've read every newspaper report online, sent emails to a few friends, checked prices for getting to the final in Moscow and just smiled a lot. At some stage I need to think about work!

Come on you blues!

Stuart Rubenstein

Monday, 28 April 2008

It was 20 years ago....

Well, what were you doing 20 years ago?

I can clearly remember Spring 1988... I had been working on a local newspaper which suddenly went bust and I found myself out of work. There was good weather that year because I spent a lot of time playing frisbee in the park with Martin, a friend of mine. I knew I had to find another job and so I decided to do a training course for teaching English as a foreign language. My dad gave me the money for the course and I've never looked back.

The training was fantastic although I was very nervous when I had to stand up in front of a group of students and "teach" for the first time. I didn't know then that I was going to spend my life in language schools - as a teacher, a school owner, a course designer etc. etc...

But here I am, 20 years later, still passionate about the world of language learning and still working hard to make my school - Language in London - the best possible place to experience learning English in the UK.

More thoughts on the last 20 years in the next few postings on this blog!

Stuart Rubenstein