Friday, 3 August 2007

Review of the week

It's been a good week at school. The "Bloomsbury Walk", which I do on a Monday for new students, is getting better. The idea of the walk is to give everyone a chance to get to know each other on their first day and to show that Bloomsbury Street is the cleverest road in the world... well, that's my theory! Somehow I manage to include Charles Darwin, Karl Marx, Virginnia Woolf, Graham Greene, George Orwell, John Maynard Keynes, Dante Gabriel Rossetti, chocolate, sex and a few other stories...

On Wednesday evening, all the staff went out for a meal together - if you want to see us all eating... please go to this link at YouTube.

Yesterday evening Rob took about 25 students to Primrose Hill for a picnic and game of cricket and by all accounts everyone had a great time.

On a more personal note, I'm miserable at the moment. Greta has gone to Argentina to see her parents and of course, she's taken Benjamin with her. I miss them both so much. Ben is at an age (18 months) where he is changing all the time and learning new words every day. It's horrible not having them at home. The weekend will be the worst ... especially as the weather is going to be great. I'll fill my time with writing the new school brochure and website, seeing the Simpsons movie and watching Chelsea v. Manchester United.

Have a good weekend everyone!

Monday, 30 July 2007

The Green Machine

We try to be as environmentally friendly as possible at the school - this includes recycling paper, using proper cups for coffee (and not throwing away polystyrene ones) and encouraging all students and staff to use public transport or cycle to school. Here's Si Hyung from Korea, who leaves his bike on the terrace when he's in class.

Teachers Alastair and Ashleigh as well as Alejandra all reguarly cycle to work.
