The picture is of a group of students going to see a play at Shakespeare's Globe Theatre with one of our teachers. You can see St. Paul's Cathedral in the background but what you don't know is that the students are all looking ahead towards the Millennium Bridge, Tate Modern and the theatre. They are probably all wondering if they will understand one word of "The Merchant of Venice" and feeling very cultured!!
One thing I love about London is how old and new sit so peacefully next to each other. Red brick houses, Georgian mansions, modern glass towers... there is no single style that defines this city but the charm is found in co-existence. In others words, this is a cosmopolitan city architecturally as well as socially.
This weekend I'm off to a language school conference and workshop in Berlin. I've never been there before and hope I get the chance (when not working!) to see another European capital that is constantly changing.
Have a good weekend.
Stuart Rubenstein