Friday, 20 June 2008

The most dangerous game in the world!

Reading this blog, you will know that I love football. But there is nothing better than watching or playing cricket during the summer. Students are always telling us that the game is boring... that it's only for the upper classes... that it has something to do with the British Empire...

Well, many years ago I stopped trying to convert people. If that's what you think, well, that's what you think!

Fortunately, I have somebody at the school who I can chat to about cricket and that's our Director of Studies, Rob.
Last weekend he managed to break his arm playing!

And don't make the mistake of confusing cricket with croquet

These are very different games!!

Stuart Rubenstein

Tuesday, 17 June 2008

Blog to blog

I promised more news about the Spanish group... well, you can follow what they are doing on their trip on their London Blog. It's in Catalan but there are enough photos if you have problems with the language.

Looking at the pictures of the red phone boxes, horseguards and buses you'll see that it is unmistakeably London.

The best part, of course, is the smiling faces.

Stuart Rubenstein

Monday, 16 June 2008

Romeos and Juliets

Here are our Romeos and Juliets from Viladecavalls near Barcelona. These students are in London because they won a competition arranged by the Catalan government to produce a project on the Shakespeare play.

They'll spend two weeks here studying and speaking as much English as possible. They are also going to visit Bath, Stonehenge, Oxford and Shakespeare's birthplace Stratford-upon-Avon.

Next week we are hoping that they are going to perform some scenes from Romeo and Juliet... more to follow on that!

Stuart Rubenstein