Friday, 4 May 2007

A Cultural Experience...

Language in London (Camden College of English) is becoming famous for its Cultural Experience course, where we use museums and galleries as the classroom for learning English.

However, this week two of our wonderful teachers, Ashleigh and Rebecca, took a group of students to discover a different cultural experience...

They went to Walthamstow Stadium to watch dog racing!

The group spent the evening drinking pints of beer, eating fish and chips and betting on the races (and looking at the smiles in the photo, I think there were quite a few winners).


Thursday, 3 May 2007

Blogs, MySpace, Orkut, Skype, Wiki ... aaargh!!!

Sometimes there's so much technology to worry about that I forget I am supposed to be running a school.

When I'm not updating this blog, I'm making changes to our current site or preparing the text for our new site (not online yet!). Then I have to update our Myspace and Orkut Language in London site.

A few years ago we became the first school in the UK to invite students (old and new) to chat online with MSN messenger ( This is a great tool because it gives potential students the opportunity to get immediate answers and helps them to decide which course to take or accommodation to book.

Then we introduced Skype (camdencollegeofenglish), so that students could give us a ring at an time... for free. This has been very popular.

And don't forget that you can also find us in Wikipedia!

With all this technology, the one thing that remains the same is that we still need to have great teachers and make sure the lessons are interesting and useful. Some traditions are worth keeping!


Monday, 30 April 2007

Not really about English...

I thought I would take a break from posting about the school and share my favourite photo (not including pictures of my little son!).
This is the Chelsea team when I started to support them... a long time ago. Looking at the familiar faces you can see that they played because they loved the game and not for the money. I miss those days!

And for those who don't know!
Back row: Birchenall, Bonetti, Baldwin, McCreadie,
Hutchinson, Webb, Cooke, Houseman, Mulligan.
Front: Osgood (the legend!), Hinton, Boyle, Hollins

Those were the days!!!