I also like the idea of learning English on walking / camping holidays... or just talking about things you like. We have a new course this summer called "British Books and Films" and the idea is just to create a relaxed atmosphere to chat about interesting subjects (with a teacher there to help, correct, point in the right direction, support etc).
Let me know if you have any creative ideas about good ways of learning a language. We're open to anything here!
Stuart Rubenstein
I have been thinking about sophisticated way of learning English.
Eventually, I came with an idea, which is quiet similar to the mission impossible. Unlike above mentioned game, this one would be aimed to create pairs and wich one would involve of a student from the beginners and one from advances class.
Having partnered up, the students would be asked to choose a great event linked to London's history, visit the place, where something important took place, recycle their knowlage and if needed search for more information.
The project would engage people into an incredible journey through historical and modern buildings, streets.
Another advantage would be that students, who tend to stick to classmate could eventually get chance to leave their everyday companions. That, in case of advace school attenders might build up their confidence, while will learn new vocab, but alse increase their ability to communicate.
At the end of the day, i would suggest a little report or presentation to be handled to teachers.
I hope the idea will be considered
and pharaps will see the day light.
thanks for reading this.
That's a really cool idea, Stuart. A bus... You made me remember my first English workbook: Big Red Bus :D It even had its own song (which I forgot, I'm afraid :S).
Ouch! I'm really Londonsick right now :'( I had a really good time there last summer. Shame I can't repeat this year, but I might be working :S
Greatings from Barcelona,
I joined the cultural experience course before, and I thought that was a great way to learn English. The other way could be learning the latest news, fashions, and also films, songs. Those interesting things might inspire our desire for learning.
P.S. I came to Camden last summer in 2007. :D I am Lily from Taiwan.
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