Friday, 9 November 2007

Nearly 10,000!

Since I added the counter we've had nearly 10,000 hits. I know that lots of ex-students read this blog (they tell me in emails) and so do future students (it's useful to find out more about the school).
However, the most important reader is my mother-in-law in Buenos Aires! She checks every day to see the latest news from the school ... so, Marta, I hope you like the picture below of your little grandson and that you are looking forward to coming to visit us in December.

Hope you all have a wonderful weekend.

Stuart Rubenstein


Maria Lucia said...

Good morning!
Compliments 4 your career, I'd like to reach some levels but, unfortunately, it won't be so easy. despite what we think here in Italy, we can do much better, and, since we can't do our best here in our beloved country, probably I am thinking about going away... even thought I am aware of the fact that I won't reach your level...never!!!
anyway,thank you for using your time reading my request.
I am a student of English (C2 European Framework)and I am trying to
find out some international competions about English opened also to
non-English speaking countries, in fact I am from Italy.
If you know some of them, in which you send a text or a composition or
an article per email and then you can straight enter the competion, I
will be grateful to you....
Please let me know...
Thanks again

Stuart Rubenstein said...

Maria Lucia - thanks for your message.

It's a good idea to check the British Council website regularly because they often have competitions. In the past we have offered courses as prizes to the British Council in Poland and Slovakia and recently we have been part of a globabl competition they are running.
Good luck!