Friday, 8 June 2007

What a week!

I'm shattered. Exhausted. Knackered. Drained
Week one in our new Bloomsbury home is now over. Ok, so the buzzer on the front door doesn't work and I forgot to order signs for the toilets.. And Dell haven't bothered to send some computers. Oh... and none of us can work out how to use the new phones. All small problems.

We're going to start thinking about the pretty things now. What should we put up on the walls? Is there room for a ping pong table in the garden? Do we want a mirror in the coffee room? Should we have an ipod dock and speakers so students can play their own music in the coffee room? Any ideas from you will be gatefully received!!

Now for the weekend... a little cricket on tv, a lot of playing with Ben... and then back again on Monday.

Have fun everyone!

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