Monday 28 April 2008

It was 20 years ago....

Well, what were you doing 20 years ago?

I can clearly remember Spring 1988... I had been working on a local newspaper which suddenly went bust and I found myself out of work. There was good weather that year because I spent a lot of time playing frisbee in the park with Martin, a friend of mine. I knew I had to find another job and so I decided to do a training course for teaching English as a foreign language. My dad gave me the money for the course and I've never looked back.

The training was fantastic although I was very nervous when I had to stand up in front of a group of students and "teach" for the first time. I didn't know then that I was going to spend my life in language schools - as a teacher, a school owner, a course designer etc. etc...

But here I am, 20 years later, still passionate about the world of language learning and still working hard to make my school - Language in London - the best possible place to experience learning English in the UK.

More thoughts on the last 20 years in the next few postings on this blog!

Stuart Rubenstein

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